Panasonic MC-CG917 Bag Canister Vacuum Cleaner Review

It's been a year that I've owned and used this vacuum. I thought it important to add an update so here it is: This is an EXCELLENT vacuum and works as well a year later as it did upon purchase. I have no doubt that it will last for years to come. One word of caution: DO NOT USE THE POWER VAC DIRECTLY ON ANYTHING BUT CARPETING!
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 I know that sounds stupid but I used to cheat and use my old Kenmore power vac (the heavy duty part used for carpeting) on my furniture if I was in a rush... never had a problem with the Kenmore (which tells you that the suction wasn't that great). HOWEVER, the Panasonic's power/suction is so terrific that it damaged my upholstery fabric... pretty much chewed it up! I mean it really did some damage! This is not a negative for the vacuum... it just goes to show what a powerful vacuum this is and what a GREAT job it does on my carpeting! It was such a dumb/stupid thing for me to do but I certainly learned my lesson and that couch cushion will only be used on one side now! LOL! Anyway, I love this vacuum and HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT

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